On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Peter Davis <p...@pfdstudio.com> wrote:

> spent years (literally) playing with gnus and giving up, only to be drawn
> back
> to it weeks, months or years later to try again. Seriously, it was only
> after years of this that I managed to get things working
> well enough to actually use gnus, and even at that I only use it with IMAP.

Hehe this is *exactly* what i have experienced. im dying to move over to
emacs for emails but so far both gnus and mu4e are giving me so many issues
(and it may be that im just not smart enough to configure them properly).
The latest i tried was setting up gnus via imap (gmail ) which worked for
approximately 2 hours before getting errors and making me (once again..)
give up and crawl back defeated to gmail :) plus the fact that i need a
separate emacs session just for mail and all other small quirks in gnus are
kind of a pain to setup (at least it seems so).
mu4e seemed so promising but for me it seems that no matter what i do i
cant get the headers to auto refresh when i get a new email which is
driving me crazy so had to give up on that.


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