Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> Peter Salazar <> writes:
>> Like Fabrice, I also still process my email using the Gmail web
>> interface. The only reason I want email within Emacs is so I can
>> compose replies in a proper editor with all my keybindings. I tried
>> Chrome's Edit with Emacs, but it loses line breaks when it sends the
>> output from Emacs back to Gmail. So I prefer to write replies within
>> Emacs.
>> Since I only need a small fraction of my emails to go through Emacs, I
>> set up mbsync to pull only my starred messages:
>> Channel gmail-starred
>> Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Starred" 
>> Slave :gmail-local:starred
>> Create Both
>> Expunge Both
>> SyncState *
>> If this is of interest to you I can share my setup. 
> I agree that having email accessible locally is key to making Gnus
> usable. All my email is synced to local dovecot server, and Gnus
> accesses that -- no lag at all. Sending messages is still a big pain,
> though. I send using msmtp, and there's an add-on called msmtp-queue
> that would apparently allow Gnus to hand off messages instantly, but
> I've never spent the time to get it set up. I sure wish IMAP could
> handle both sending and receiving messages!

Sending messages in Gnus is trival these days.  It works out of the box
when you add a X-Message-SMTP-Method header (and GCC for saving a copy to
Sent).  I use smtp server from GMX, my own mail server and Outlook (I've
used google mail in the past).


It was you, Jezebel, it was you

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