Eli Zaretskii wrote:

Then what arguments are actually convincing to you?
At this point in time, just days short of the intented release? Either
the bug crashes Emacs, or it does cause trouble for some really major
package, or it is very common and/or confusing for many users.

And such bugs are almost unthinkable at this stage, given the long
pretest -- unless, that is, they were caused by unsafe changes we did
very recently, on one of the occasions we failed to exercise will
power and resist the temptation of fixing ``one more bug''.

But let me turn the table around, Lennart, and ask you: what arguments
will actually convince _you_ to change your mind on this?  Following
Karl Popper, if your answer is ``nothing will change my mind'', then
this is a religious type of argument that we should just stop, because
it has no hope of any agreement whatsoever.

That is a good question. I am of course also worried about stability. We can unfortunately not only use logical thinking, the problem is too complex for that. So we are arguing about how to look upon the different arguments.

I agree that a managerial/economical view is good to use as a tool for deciding. And there must be a decision at the end. Just "fixing" the bug is not enough for this kind of bug.

My guess is that so far we do not differ very much, or?

A note: What makes me a bit upset is more that I get the feeling that you think the bug is unimportant though I have said that I do have a real use case where it will show up. Note that I do not say that you actually think so, it is perhaps more my feelings.

Anyway those feelings are noticeable in my replies. This is part of the difficulties with arguing now. Probably I disturb you in a similar manner. I think that from both sides this is unintentional, but it is worth noting when we try to solve this.

I have tried to explain in similar situations before that I always try to look at the problem at different levels. When you ask for what arguments will convince me this is key. If you want to convince me the best you can do is try to argument on all the different levels of the problem.

Maybe you think that you have done so by referring to the experts on this code for their opinion? The difficulty I have with this is that the actual arguments on the details gets hidden. I can not argue at all then since I am trying to estimate the stability by looking at the details.

That said I must point out that I can not say anything for sure about the stability. I give my arguments, hope for feedback from the experts. The may very well kill my arguments, no problems, but I do have some arguments that I think may be worth listening too. I feel very much better if the arguments are killed than if they are never looked upon. (This is kind of human I think.) Killed by some sound logic of course.

I have tried to list my argumenting below (except the one above). If you want to you can comment on it.

I do not know if it matters now, but to frame the situation I think we can state something like this:

- We all want a release. I think we may feel a little bit weary.
- There is/was a bug in cursor positionining that affects multiline 'before-string, 'after-string or 'display properties in characters or overlays.
- This bug is perhaps not seen very often.
- I have however a use case were it will be seen.
- A bug in cursor positioning is confusing and can lead a user to suspect that something is terribly wrong (and indeed that is often a plausible thinking when the cursor is in the wrong position). I have got a milder reaction of this kind - the user thought something was wrong in my code, not in Emacs.
- The display code is complex, very complex.
- There is/was a bug now, which may indicate that it is "fragile" too (in the sense that one should be very careful and thoughtful when changing it). - We see some consequences of this bug, but there may be more, even instability.
- We have not seen any instability for 2 years however with the bug.
- As far as I remember we did not see any instability either with the old bug (for how many years? 1-2?) that unfortunately was cured in such a way that it created this new bug. - The fix (that Chong installed a version of) is in a sense a middle way between the two bugs above. This does not prove it does not cause instability, but it may be seen as an indication (which I prefer to see it as). - The fix is rather local and as far as I can see it only affects multi-line 'before-string, 'after-string and 'display. That makes my worries for stability less.

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