John Kasunich and I talked about playing some more with Buildbot 
<> as a way to move the emc2 compile farm forward. 
We're not going to turn the existing compile farm off (at least not 
yet); we're going to stand up a parallel system and see if it's good 
enough to switch over to.

I have set up a machine at <> to that 
end.  It's running Ubuntu Server 8.04.1.  The CU firewall exceptions 
just went through, so both its webserver and the buildmaster are 
accessible directly over the net.  The old nappy URL is no longer needed.

I'm running two buildslaves as KVM VMs on my laptop whenever i'm in 
network range, but it would sure help if other folks ran some slaves too.

Buildslaves are easy and fun!  All you need is a computer that can run 
python, check out and compile our tree, and make outgoing TCP 
connections.  Slaves can be behind a NAT firewall.

Setting up buildslaves is easy.  You're welcome to have copies of my 
VMs, which will run anywhere with only minor tweaks.  Or you can install 
your own by using something like this untested procedure (sorry about 
the linebreaks):

     # disable the screensaver or set it to only blank the screen (not 
soak up CPU cycles with fancy eye candy)

     # make a dedicated user (by convention i've been calling the user 
"farmer", and that's what this document calls it, but you can use any 
name you want)

     # do a cvs checkout as farmer (in a throw-away directory out of the 
way) to make sure sure you can, and to make sure you have the ssh 
hostkey of the CVS machine
     cvs -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs -z3 checkout -d 
/tmp/remove-this-dir emc2

     # install emc2 build deps: libpth-dev, tetex-extra
     cd debian; ./configure sim
     apt-get install build-essential $WHATEVER_ELSE_IS_NEEDED

     # let the farm user run "sudo make setuid" without a password by 
adding this line to /etc/sudoers:
     farmer ALL = ALL, NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/make setuid

     # install buildbot.deb, on dapper you need to uncomment universe in 
     apt-get install buildbot

     # you get these three variables from the buildmaster admin
     # on dapper and probably other older versions of buildbot, the 
command is just "slave" instead of "create-slave"
     # a reasonable standard for build-slave names might be: 
"distro(-rtai)?-arch", for example "Ubuntu6.06-rtai-x86" or 
     buildbot create-slave ~/BuildBot/slave/$SLAVE_NAME $MASTER 

     # edit buildbot.tac to say "usepty = 0"
     vi ~/BuildBot/slave/$SLAVE_NAME/buildbot.tac

     # do this whenever you want your build-slave to be running, or (on 
Ubuntu Hardy at least) add it to /etc/default/buildbot
     buildbot start ~/BuildBot/slave/$SLAVE_NAME

Let's see how this goes!

Sebastian Kuzminsky
how many no money boys are crazy how many boys are raw
how many no money boys are rowdy how many start a war

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