On 23 November 2011 09:27, Sammel Lothar <sammellot...@gmx.de> wrote:

> i need to display the
>  XY and the UV path on the axis display
>  can i overcame this issue in any way ?

I think the only way would be to persuade Axis to do an XY preview
followed by a UV preview, rather than do them both at the same time.

I think that this would require changes to axis.py (I _think_ that is
where preview happens, but I can't actually see it)
src / emc / usr_intf / axis / scripts / axis.py

It's a Python file, so you can make changes without recompiling, as
long as you make a backup copy you can experiment.

Maybe we need to allow a more complex structure in the GEOMETRY
ini-file parameter, GEOMETRY=XY:UV perhaps. That would suit the
hot-wire cutting chaps too.

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