Everything is useless so lost 3 Days of programming

the Routine that i made the plane view from in glcanon.py GLCanon
is only processed at emc axis start not at open a NGC file

i made a print"here" into the strait_feed(self,x,y.....) for example
and the open file dialog is not passing this again !
shit !!!

so i got the XY UV view always from the file that is loaded at the ini 
Display open_file section

someone Knows how i can overcame this ?

  OR is the  programmed list not the rapids available at the end of the 
open_file_guts in AXIS ?

Thanks Sammel Lothar Germany

it is not easy to communicate
woudt be better if there are some people talking on the irc emc-devel 

but we gone make it the lines are there so generate it totaly from start 
by pasing this lines and grep what we need !

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