On 2/13/2013 10:28 PM, Tom Easterday wrote:
> I spent the day playing with this on the Intel Atom D2700MUD.  I rebuilt the 
> system using the rtos-integration-preview3-merged-into-master
> branch.  I rebuilt it for another reason (stupid graphics fubar) and figured 
> I would try this branch for the heck of it.
> Neither no-halt nor idle=poll had any effect (good or bad) on the system as 
> far as I could tell in the short testing intervals I did today (5 minutes or 
> so generally).   I played with Hyperthreading, which definitely needs to stay 
> off on my system, and isolcpus which helps latency some (I think) but really 
> makes the machine slow for doing anything else other than Linuxcnc - but 
> that's the point isn't it?   In general I am seeing between 15,000-22,000 but 
> I will let the machine run over night or a weekend soon for more concrete 
> numbers.
> If I run update-grub, whether I have made a change to grub or not, the number 
> shoots up to over 170,000.  Obviously this isn't something one would do while 
> using Linuxcnc, like Kent's messing in the /proc area, and shows you should 
> keep your mitts out of where they don't belong.  :-)
> Tom
> On Feb 13, 2013, at 2:29 PM, sam sokolik <sa...@empirescreen.com> wrote:
>> For this system (amd) the only thing that seems to make a difference is
>> the idle=poll (no-halt seems to have no effect)
>> I go from 200+us latency to 7us top.
>> sam

Regarding the AMD Athlon II X4-640 system I've mentioned several times, 
I got a few moments to try a restricted set of combinations. Just first 

Some trivia:

Still Michael's i686 3.2.21-xenomai+ kernel from late last fall on a 
Ubuntu 10.04LTS system.

Always isolcpus=3 (e.g., the last one reported by the bios)

Five-minute latency tests with both 25us base-period, 1ms servo-period 
threads running on isolated cpu 3. No special attempt was to "torture" 
the system. Just random browsing.

"cpu hog" means the one-line script from the Wiki.

"us" means microsecond


case 1. no other boot parameters, no cpu hog

servo jitter 6us / base jitter 9.5us

case 2. no other boot parameters, 1 cpu hog running

servo jitter 5.9us / base jitter 6.2us

case 3. no-hlt and idle=poll, no cpu hog

servo jitter 4.0us / base jitter 5.0us [avg of 3 runs]
servo jitter 2.8us / base jitter 3.3us [a later single run; gives a 
sense of the variability]

case 4. no-hlt and idle=poll, 1 cpu hog running

servo jitter 3.2us / base jitter 5.1us [I believe this is an anomalous 
result caused by me playing with the sensors/ksensors packages. Forgot 
to go back and check. Sorry.]

case 5. nohlt and idle=poll, no cpu hog

servo jitter 2.5us / 3.1us

case 6. nohlt and idle=poll, 1 cpu hog running

<no test>

case 7. only idle=poll, no cpu hog

servo jitter 2.7us / base jitter 3.4us

case 8. only idle=poll, 1 cpu hog running

essentially same as case 7 within some tenths of a microsecond.



1. My jitter is so low with this CPU/motherboard combination that none 
of this matters practically:-)
2. I recorded jitters to tenths of a microsecond but all indications are 
that I can get 1-2us variability without doing much of anything.
3. Like Tom and Sam, I don't see a strong dependence on either no-hlt or 
4. Even at these low latencies, idle=poll has a beneficial effect and 
appears to make the cpu-hog approach irrelevant (not exactly new news...)
5. Reported temperature rises nearly 20degC with the extra boot 
parameters and a cheap house-brand heatsink/fan. Caveat: could be worse 
than this. The lm-sensors package and the ksensors package both report 
some temperature I don't believe is the CPU itself; at least the number 
they show is nearly 10degC lower than the one I see if I quickly reboot 
and look at the readings in the BIOS. Sigh.



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