On 5/20/2013 10:20 PM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> On 05/20/2013 07:50 PM, Curtis Dutton wrote:
>> Ok I have the driver pretty much completed and it has been working well for
>> a week now. It can now take command line arguments to control the modbus
>> serial connection parameters.
> Great!
>> Now I'd like to add a manpage for the driver and any other documentation
>> where appropriate. I need some guidance on what documentation to add and
>> where to add it.
> A manpage is a good place to start.  Be warned that manpages are written
> in the completely awful 1960-era "troff" language.  I suggest finding a
> simple manpage (in docs/man in the source tree) and modifying it to
> describe your driver, instead of trying to write one from scratch.

Andy already gave the straightforward answer for docs related to 
linuxCNC comps, but as a reminder to others, if one does have to 
generate manpages from scratch for some reason, then one should consider 
using the txt2man script (available via the Synaptic Package Manager in 
Ubuntu). It does a decent job without forcing one to learn the 
intricacies of the troff/groff/etc. markup language.

As an aside, troff emerged in the 1970s; I was a neophyte researcher 
then and I remember colleagues at UChicago and Argonne National Lab 
struggling to install Unix from the Bell Labs tapes just so they could 
use the Unix/Editor/Troff pipeline to publish documents.

"completely awful" is a relative term which I would be just as likely to 
apply to that paragon of WYSIWIG editing, Microsoft Word.:-)


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