On 16 August 2013 15:15, Troy Jacobson <t...@thismuch.net> wrote:
> I've started a Python module to control heaters for extruders and build
> platforms.

I am slightly puzzled about what this module does that the existing
PID controller can't do.

>   Right now, it does two things:
> 1) Bypasses the PID controller during the initial heating period.  When the
> heater temperature is below the set temperature by some value
> (configurable), a constant value (configurable) will be sent to the PWM
> controller.

This sounds similar in function to the existing PID output limit.

> 2) Monitors the heater temperature, and when it is within a range
> (configurable) of the set temperature for a period of time (configurable),
> it will set a bit indicating that the heater is ready.  This bit is used by
> the "set temp and wait" M codes.

And this sounds like the PID "is-saturated" pin would have a similar
effect. (or a wcomp on the error output).

Also, why in Python? "comp" makes writing realtime HAL components really easy.

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