On 3/3/2014 5:16 PM, John Kasunich wrote:

<massive in-line snippage>

> Can we agree that on a single core system, slow threads should never
> steal the CPU from fast threads, and web browsers should never steal
> the CPU from any "real-time" threads?  Even if you are only doing
> simulated real-time?

Even on a single core system, there are more ways to implement thread
scheduling than "you can shake a stick at".  The important issue is the
code operates correctly under the implemented scheduling scheme.  The
"right" scheduler is the one that works for your application.

That said, I don't have an issue with your proposal, although terms like
"fast", "slow", and "real-time" should probably be rephrased in terms of
relative thread priorities.

> It would be foolish to try to implement a ringbuffer or other fairly
> heavy-weight protocol in an FPGA.  Instead, you define a register
> map by which the slow task controls the fast hardware.  Ideally
> every register is independent and the FPGA does the right thing
> regardless of what order you write them in.
> In some cases, there may be groups of registers that need to be
> atomic.  It isn't uncommon to have double-buffers with a strobe
> or similar signal that tells the FPGA to transfer from the first set
> to the second set in parallel.

I totally disagree.  I work with FPGA systems on a daily basis, and
would be completely crippled if you remove ringbuffers (and their
identical twins: FIFOs and queues) from my "bag of tricks".  These
constructs are used extensively in my designs for the exact same reasons
we need them in the new real-time layers:  Communicating chunks of data
atomically across clock domains (or threads / scheduling contexts in
software).  These constructs are non-blocking, and serve to isolate
various timing domains from each other while providing for highly
efficient transfers of data/messages/whatever.

Charles Steinkuehler

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