Close I think..  If you look at the arcspiral vs the spiral.. Now the 
spiral (made up of short line segments) will increase and decrease in 
speed as the motion goes between the x and y axis.  (x set to 500ipm y 
set to 180)  arcspiral (and for that matter a circle) with be capped at 
the y axis speed.

I think we would want the same behavior as the spiral made up of line 
segment (speed up and down as it passes bettween 2 different axis 

Here is my rational..  If you have a machine that has a fast and slow 
axis.  (be it say fast x and slow z) you would generate your engraving 
to run on the fastest axis.  But if your cam software outputs fitted 
arcs - the segments will be capped by the slowest axis.

(does this makes sense?)

as always - awesome work!

On 03/07/2014 03:55 PM, Robert Ellenberg wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 10:44 PM, sam sokolik <> wrote:
>> Now the issues.. Rob asked about other transistions this would be
>> arc-arc...  I do see the same issue.  If I do a circle like this
>> g20g64
>> g0x1y0z0
>> G2x1y0i-1j0f999
>> g0x1
>> m30
>> It peaks out at 127ipm (which doesn't quite make sense to me..) (should
>> peak around 300 I think - atleast that is what the line segment circle
>> does...) master runs it at 180.. maybe g2/3 circles never acc/de-acc
>> with different axis velocities..
>> Arcspiral.ngc peaks at 180ipm and stays there - which is the limit of
>> the y axis.
> I think the latest commit should fix that. I saw the same slowdown, and
> tracked it down to the function that limits maximum velocity of circular
> segments. I had done this a lazy way here by scaling max velocity down to
> sqrt(1/2) of the original value, but that's only necessary if the max
> velocity is limited by the normal acceleration. If the radius is large
> enough, reducing the acceleration for a parabolic blend won't affect the
> max velocity since the normal acceleration is small. Now, it checks for
> this explicitly and doesn't shrink the max velocity unless it has to.
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