On Monday 17 March 2014 03:31:58 Robert Ellenberg did opine:

> It looks to be from the different maximum velocities of lines and arc
> segments.  The circular arc segments are limited to the minimum of the
> two axes in the current plane. The short line segments in between arcs
> are limited by the maximum velocity along the direction of the line. If
> the line is somewhat diagonal (as is the case in the steve.ngc
> example), then the maximum velocity along the line is potentially
> higher than the axis limits.

This seems like a potential problem for those of us with toy powered 
spindles. I often set a straight line cut, not to the tool limit, but to 
the spindle power limit, and that diagonal over speed move could lead to a 
spindle stall.  And my XY drivers have more than enough power to break off 
a stalled 1/4" 4 flute end mill.  While I think this is huge & worthwhile 
improvement to the TP, there are some of us who will not be able to fully 
explore those faster speeds.  The motor on the X1 is a 90 volt, 1.8 amp 
rated motor.  I have an ammeter in the circuit for mine so I can see how 
hard its working, and generally anything over an amp is flirting with the 
potential for broken tooling. 1.5 when drilling a hole is pushing my luck.

But I squeak too loud, nothing I say here should impinge on the ability of 
a machine with a multi-horsepower spindle from getting the job done 
quicker. I can always watch the ammeter & back off the feedrate.

Cheers, Gene
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