
>> For the most part, the robot tends to jog in a straight line,
>> but drift in sort of a curve in at least one direction.
> Drift sounds like a measurement problem although it may also be
> something adding up somewhere, integrating speed to get position or
> similar.

Not necessarily, wrong kinematics could certainly create this result.

@Alyssa: Does the robot follow the same wrong trajectory if you you 
teach is back and forth? If you I'd be pretty convinced that it is no 
measurement problem, but that DH parameters are slightly off.

>> Sometimes the kinematics solve to joint angles that are
>> impossible, and the robot faults for "over speed" from
> trying to go to positions > 10000 degrees.
> This seems like a problem with the kinematics but maybe a measurement
> error could do this to.

Maybe a singularity issue? The same point and orientation in Cartesian 
space can be reached in different axis positions, so the orientation has 
to be taken care of. Kuka uses two parameters S Status and T Turn to do 
so, I don't know abut the LinuxCNC 6 DOF serial kinematic module but 
there should be something similar, I guess. The Kuka manual [1] talks 
about the issue on page 73ff.

See you

[1] https://thegeekgroup.org/documents/kuka/PROGHBEXPERTE_R41_EN.PDF

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