Hi Chris,

nice to read you :)

> You have picked some tough items to fix.
> The reason the line number doesn't follow the action 1:1, is because the
> gcode and motion commands don't correspond 1:1 

Well, that's true and not true ;)

Of cause, there is a lot of gcode, which is not motion code. 
But - its related to the last and/or next gcode.

I'm working on a pretty old mill (mori seiki from early 90th) with a 0-series 
fanuc controller software, which is pretty simple and has plenty of bugs.
Anyway - I love my work and I'm used to code GCode, as I receive a drawing and 
have to code right on the machine and manage the milling
(dirty hacks - fire and forget like) - I mostly work on very small series or 
single pieces. Lots of coding, less machining.

So I think I've a pretty good understanding of gcode and their relation to 

What I don't have is the knowledge of linuxcnc. I know simple equivalents from 
3D-printing and the like.

> When you start the cycle, the gcode get interpreted into motion commands and
> put in a list. This is done as fast as possible and has nothing to do with
> actual movement, the list will get way ahead of movement.

Sure! Motion planner and optimizer has to do their jobs.

> In the process of interpreting, the motion commands loses 1:1 reference to
> gcode line in some cases

That's a point, I don't understand.

For example: I use a tool in two different situations and in the second part I 
use the same tool with different spindle speed and different motion feed.
So it's obvious, that I code a S-Word standalone between different motion 

No matter what the motion planner or optimizer does with the motion 
command, the spindle is not allowed to change speed at any other place than 

Same is true for M7/M8 or even more important M0 

> In my branch's case I send an fcode message to motion and motion does
> nothing but send it back as status. It's a ton of code to do this one
> little status.
> I believe statetags works on the same principle, just in a more general way.

Chris, I'm very happy, that you work on that corner of lc.
Would like to get closer to your work.

> So it's not that your (or any other) GUI is broken, it's the information
> currently is not available.

Well, I never thought, that my gui is broken :D

I'm confident, that it does what I coded. I know, that the status information 
does not offer, what I'm looking for.
But as any professional controller shows this information, I'd like to help 
improve lc to become more professional.

> I assume by process time you mean estimation of gcode running?

No! I don't care about estimations.

The valuable time information is the time, of tool usage and time, that 
processing of gcode has consumed.
In my fantasy: just a timer that runs as long as gcode processing is active 
and pauses at M0 or the like and resumes after user continue action.


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