On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 at 03:25, Chris Morley <chrisinnana...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> If possible, I would prefer to have the libraries required for Qtvcp to be 
> included,

I added a list to the "recommends" but haven't built an ISO yet, but I
don't think it is the same list....

> python-pyqt5
> python-pyqt5-qsci
> python-opengl
> python-pyqt5-qtopengl
> python-pyqt5-qtsvg
> python-pyqt5-qtwebkit
> python-opencv
> python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5
> python-espeak
> python-gst0.10
> for Designer:
> qttools5-dev-tools

It looks like we need to add -qtwebkit and -gst0.10

I wonder if there is a metapackage that pulls them all in, or
reverse-depend that would get them?

Anyway, I will add the two missed packages and build a new test-iso
today. (I have the day off, and 2.8 is second on the list, and first
place is nearly finished)

"A motorcycle is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment and is
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