RE>>Up-to-date standards                     11/15/96

Thanks for the price correction.  I accidently slipped an exta zero on the 
price tag.
Sorry for the mis-conception.
Date: 11/14/96 3:29 PM
To: Regan Arndt
From: Egon H. Varju
   ----- E X T E R N A L L Y  O R I G I N A T E D  M E S S A G E -----


> One pitfall though.  The cost of the CD & it's updates on a quarterly
> basis is approx. $20,000/year. (This includes all the CSA standards)

Actually, the initial purchase cost is only CDN$1,900 (approx US$1,375),
including one year's worth of updates.  Subsequent renewal is CDN$1,295/yr
(approx US$950/yr).  You could easily spend more than that on paper copies, if
you need several standards.

Yes, the CD includes all CSA standards, including Part I (Canadian Electrical
Code), II and III, plus all related bulletins, notices, etc.  A complete printed
set would cost around $11,000.

> I think just getting the paper copy of the ammendaments would be one of a
> less financial strain.

I guess this is a business decision, depending in part on how many standards you
need to access.  If you only use one or two standards, it may be difficult to
justify the cost.  Mind you, I personally REALLY like the search capabilities.
As all these standards get bigger and bigger, it's very nice to be able to
quickly zero in on key words.  I'm so hooked now that I carry the CD with me
everywhere.  :-)

If you're using several standards, you should also consider the hidden costs.
It can take many hours of unproductive work to dig out standards, replace pages,
attachments, etc.  If the number of standards you use is large, it may require a
full-time librarian to keep things up to date (we employ several, in order to
keep up with all the CSA/UL/IEC/ISO and other publications).

By the way, the above prices are for single user.  A network version will be
more expensive, of course, but nowhere near $20,000.  I don't have exact prices
here with me, but I believe a 2 - 5 user version is around CDN$4,200 and a 11 -
20 user version is around CDN$9,500.  Plase note that by "5 user" we mean 5
people accessing the CD simultaneously.

As I mentioned before, you should contact our Standards Sales department for
exact prices.  I've managed to dig up some numbers:

Phone:  1-800-463-6727
Fax:  (416) 747-2475

The CD expert is Mr. Steve Dove:  (416) 747-2635

My apologies to the forum if I've exceeded propriety by blatant advertising, but
this is a REALLY NEAT product, that can save product safety professionals a lot
of time and costs.


 Egon H. Varju, P.Eng.  Thursday, 14 November 1996 @ 10:41 AM
 CSA Pacific Region
 Tel:   1-604-244-6640       HAVE MODEM  -  WILL TRAVEL
 Fax:   1-604-244-6600

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Date: 14 Nov 96 14:26:47 EST
From: "Egon H. Varju" <>
To: Regan Arndt <>
Cc: Steve Dove <>, IEEE <>
Subject: Re: Up-to-date standards
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