Industry patrons: ,  note:   Dan Roman.

Please, let's keep it a "Level Playing Field" for everyone to reap the 
benefits.  Keep it simple for those of us that are semi-computer illiterate.  
I have always believed in sticking with the basics, "Everything in 

Oh by the way, I do own a name brand Pentium 1Billion MXX1V processor with a 
Double pipeline mega-watt hard drive, with all the expensive software.  Still 
can't get the damn thing to do what I want, even with all the bells and 
THIS TASK???" .........TIFF that JPEG this FORWARD that.  Some times just 
prefer to use Mr. Fax for that bull-caca.

Note:  Dan Roman,

I stand corrected Dan.  My earlier statement "When was the last time you saw a 
Graphics File in a standard"??? was completely inaccurate.  In fact, from what 
I've been told in the past, there are many helpful graphic files that can be 
created from any number of standards; schematics, diagrams and even text.  If 
you decide to distribute partial copies of UL or BSI standards over the net 
without interfering with copy-write laws please let me know how this can be 
achieved?  This company would prefer to computerize the entire document 
library.  E-mail me directly.

Thanks for your consideration.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Dan Roman 
Sent:   Tuesday, July 22, 1997 6:38 AM
To:     Steve Kuiper
Subject:        Re: Graphics In Posts

Steve Kuiper wrote in part:
> Ditto to your response on this issue.  Please, lets keep it simple people.
> Graphics should be considered a luxury at this time and not a necessity to

A picture is often worth a thousand words, what could be simpler than
that?  I refuse to bow to the least common denominator and if a graphic
gets the point across I'll use the technology available to do so.  This
is not rocket science.  Encoding and decoding a graphic in email is
child's play!  It's time people were dragged out of the 80's, kicking
and screaming if necessary.

> accomplish the regulatory compliance needs of this industry.  By-the-By when
> is the last time anyone saw a Graphics file in a compliance standard????  

When is the last time you did not see a graphics file in a compliance
standard?  For instance, UL 1950 has over two dozen figures and if those
aren't graphics files I don't know what are!
Dan Roman           |
Compliance Engineer | Personal:
Dialogic Corp, NJ   | Homebrew is better brew!

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