Hi Ron:

You pose a tough question that probably has as many answers
as there are jurisdictions in the USA.

>    Does anyone know if there are any local, county and/or state jurisdictions 
> that 
>    go beyond, or are in addition to, those regulations of OSHA and/or the NEC?

Here's the URL for the State of Oregon:


Scroll down to:

    479.610 Sale or disposal of uncertified or unevaluated 
    electrical product prohibited.

    479.760 Certification of electrical products.

I'm not at all sure that these regulations "go beyond, or are
in addition to" the OSHA and NEC regulations.  Having read 
them, I would say that the Oregon regulations require all
electrical products to be certified, either by an "accepted"
test house, or by a unit-specific investigation.  (Oregon 
also specifies the standards to which various products must
be certified!)

Having said all this, I also know that Oregon does not have 
the means to enforce certification except by means of the 
electrical inspection normally performed during and at the 
end of the building cycle.  So, this largely allows any 
product, certified or not, to be installed after the building 
electrical permit is signed off.  So, it would be possible to 
(illegally) sell either a non-certified product or a product 
certified by a non-accepted certifier with little or no 

Best regards from a former Oregonian,

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