Hi Ron,

Agreed, if you also believe that only the NEC is mandatory in the US.  But,
wait a minute!  Why is UL along with all the other NRTL(s) still in our
faces every single day?  Something missing?


Serge F. Bousquet
Safety Engineering Services Asia
124 Changklan Road, (#109)
Muang, Chiang Mai, 50100
Kingdom of Thailand
Telephone & Facsimile:  (66)53 816326
Internet:               <bousq...@cm.ksc.co.th>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
> [mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of
> ron_well...@hp-paloalto-om4.om.hp.com
> Sent: Saturday, October 24, 1998 12:02 AM
> To: bousq...@cm.ksc.co.th; dwight.hunnic...@vina-tech.com;
> emc-p...@ieee.org; plaw...@west.net
> Subject: RE: RE: Plugs for China
>Hello Serge,

>CCEE certification/approval of plugs for China is not mandatory. However,
>compliance with GB 1002 is mandatory.

>Ron Wellman

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