Thanks for your reply.   Our intention is  to publish a few of the more
interesting Q&As as a service to our UK readers.   At the suggestion of Rich
Nute we will do this having first obtained permission and we will naturally
give full credit to all sources, which hopefully should result in more
subscribers to this and your newsgroup.    We simply believe that it is all
part of the "communications mix" and the more avenues that encourage
interactive  technical discussion  the better.   Yes please keep posting the
FAQs on your news group.   We may start a UK newsgroup but will contact you
direct as this is really a UK domestic matter.

We hope this fully clarifies our position and intentions.

Alan E Hutley
Editor and Publisher
UK EMC Journal

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Lyons <>
To: <>;
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 10:52
Subject: Re: Publishing Q&As

>In message <> "Alan E Hutley"
>> We publish the UK EMC Journal and would like to publish some of the Q&As
>> that appear here.   Does anyone out there have a problem with this.
>> comments would be welcomed.   We want to build up a list of FAQs which
>> also be published on our web site.
>As you know, I have included your Q&A FAQs (in the sense of a set of
>specific frequently-asked questions and their answers) in the FAQ (in the
>sense of a listing of material and sources) which I update each month for
>the s.e.e.c (sci.engr.electrical.compliance) newsgroup.
>I have been for many months sending a short announcement of the monthly
>update to EMC-PSTC (and also, for that matter, to TREG), which seems to
>have met with general approval, or at least nobody has ever expressed
>disapproval.  What I have not done, nor would I think appropriate, is to
>mail the lengthy FAQ itself to the mailing list.
>I think the point of mailing lists like EMC-PSTC is that they are for
>questions and discussions on specific topics as they arise, not for
>posting of general material, however valuable.  Short pointers to the
>availability (elsewhere) of such material is useful, or at least not
>objectionable.  Occasionally there might be a specific announcement from
>someone in the know of a new piece of information, but I would have
>thought regular mailings of quasi-tutorial material not appropriate.
>The alternative, of course, is to start your own mailing list for
>dissemination of whatever material you choose, in which case I am sure
>participants in EMC-PSTC would not object to an announcement of your
>mailing list so they can subscribe if they choose.
>Hope you (and other readers) won't mind a slightly different query, Alan,
>which is whether you wish your Q&A FAQs to continue to appear in the
>s.e.e.c FAQ, and if so whether you can provide updates.  (The s.e.e.c FAQ
>is available at
>Regards to all,
>Bill Lyons - /
>             (maintainer of the s.e.e.c FAQ)

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