 I don't believe that there's a specific format for TCFs, however, the contents 
 of a TCF are described in the guidelines for the EMC Directive (see 8.2). The 
 guidelines can be obtained from many sources with one being:
 As to format of the TCF, ask the competent body you choose to assess your TCF.
 Good luck.
 Best regards,
 Ron Pickard

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: CE technical file format 
Author:  "Gary Labadie" <> at INTERNET
Date:    6/9/98 6:00 PM

I was told that there is a specific format that is followed regarding the   
creation of the CE mark technical file that contains test results.  I   
have never found documentation to support the claim.  Does anyone no of a   
document that specifies section by section what the required format is   
for a technical file or is it left to the individual to decide what   
necessary information is contained in the file.
Best Regards,
Gary Labadie
Acromag, Inc.
30765 Wixom Rd.            Ph: (248)624-1541 ext. 205 
P.O. Box 437                   Fax:(248)624-9234 
Wixom, MI 48393            Email:

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