Very interesting, Rene,
     What if the wall is reinforced concrete?
          .... wood struts covered by particle board and painted over?
               .... plaster and/or adobe?
                    .... does wall thickness matter?
          Tania Grant, Lucent Technologies, Octel Messaging Division

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: EN 55022 ITE Class A vs. Class B?
Author:  "Rene Charton" [] at CORP
Date:    4/25/98 4:22 AM

±H¥óªI: Ing. Gert Gremmen <> writes:

>Hello All,

>You all fell over me when I categorized all equipment and apparatus to
Class B according to EN 55022.

>The whole discussion here is targeted towards the distinction between
domestic and industrial or other environments. Well, >for now its 55022
that gives the answer itselves:

>4.1 NOTE (normative)

>Domestic environment is an environment where the use of broadcast radio
and television receivers may be expected within a >distance of 10m of
apparatus concerned.

In the same room, or separated by a brick wall

If we assume a 10dB attenuation for a brick wall ...  then class A
equipment converts into class B equipment isn't it??


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