
You have raised a very good question.  The problem is that the U.S.
had only one approved safety agency  for so long, that it is
difficult to wean non-laymen away from that one agency mark.  This
includes your (and my) management, marketing, customers, etc.  Few
of these understand the meaning of NRTL, with its variety of agency
approvals and marks.

I did fight this battle over an off-the-shelf peripheral we needed
to market which did not have the "traditional" safety mark, but an
acceptable NRTL mark.  One of the positions I to confront was that
many Federal, state, or local "government" bids require "the" mark.

I referenced the Code of Federal Regulations, OSHA sections, citing
acceptable U.S. authorized NRTLs.  I pointed out that compliance to
UL 1950 was the needed requirement, not which agency did the actual
assessment.  One problem is that those who write the specifications
for government bids are not aware of this fact, and do continue to
list only one agency mark into the document.  In a way, this is
probably a violation of federal law, i.e. requiring vendors to do
"business" with a specified private company, thus stifling any
competition.  Isn't this what the goverment is accusing Microsoft
of doing?

You are exactly right.  As PSE professionals, we should be able to
look for and use whatever options are legally available to meet our
employer's certification needs in the most timely and cost effective
manner.  Unfortunately, in the U.S. this requires a significant
amount of internal and external education as to the actual legal

George Alspaugh
Lexmark International Inc.

---------------------- Forwarded by George Alspaugh/Lex/Lexmark on 11/19/99
01:41 PM ---------------------------

tjmeck%accusort....@interlock.lexmark.com on 11/19/99 12:25:38 PM

Please respond to tjmeck%accusort....@interlock.lexmark.com

To:   emc-pstc%ieee....@interlock.lexmark.com
cc:    (bcc: George Alspaugh/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  NRTL acceptance


We have been using an old reliable but very busy Safety agency to
review our products and apply their safety mark.

>From time to time we are approached by their competitors, NRTLs, or
European soon to be NRTL labs for our business.

My question is in this `NRTL enlightened market are there still
inspectors out there that will still require education about the NRTL
status and the acceptability of an NRTL lab Listing vs the old familiar

As you all know time to market is critical and 3 to 6 months is too
long to wait.  We will need to look for other solutions and I am trying
to review the whole range of issues involved in changing the primary

I hope this is not too commercial a question!  If you feel it is please
reply to me directly.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Terry J. Meck
Senior Compliance/Test Engineer
Fax:215-721-5551 hard copy;
Fax PC: 215.799.1650 To my desk PC
Accu-Sort Systems Inc.
511 School House Rd.
Telford, PA 18969-1196 USA

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