Does anyone have a suggestion on how to troubleshoot ESD problems?

Specifically, I am having a problem with contact discharge to a metal chassis.  
The first thing that comes to mind would be to check for ground bounce with an 
oscilloscope when the ESD gun is discharged.  For example, I thought of 
grounding the oscilloscope probe to the ground plane and then probing the 
circuit ground (which is electrically connected to chassis ground at one 
point).  However, I have been told the ESD gun will probably cause interference 
with the oscilloscope, e.g. energy coupled into the scope probe, etc.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Allen Tudor, Compliance Engineer
PairGain Technologies                  tel:  (919)875-3382
2431-153 Spring Forest Rd.           fax: (919)876-1817
Raleigh, NC  27615                           email:

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