
The phenomenon you describe is pretty well understood and covered in the literature. What follows is from memory but is essentially the idea, so check the literature! Basically what you have, with a small opening, is a waveguide operating below its cutoff frequency. While it is true that power incident on the input port of such a waveguide does not propagate through it, in the sense of a propagating mode, electromagnetic fields will exist within the guide and will decay exponentially along the length of the guide. These are referred to as cutoff or evanescent modes. Unfortunately, when the evanescent mode reaches the other end of the waveguide, it will propagate in the space beyond, albeit attenuated significantly. Propagation through a waveguide is proportional to the complex exponential e^(-jBz). In a waveguide operating below it's cutoff frequency, beta (B), the propagation constant becomes negative-imaginary, B=-jA. The result is an exponential decay of the field strength as e^(-Az). The amount of attenuation is then dictated by the position within the guide, z, as measured from the input, and the value of A.

Beta, B is the propagation constant and is computed for rectangular wave guide as:

B = sqrt(k^2 -kc^2)
k = 2*pi*freq*sqrt(ue)
kc = sqrt( (m*pi/a)^2 + (n*pi/b)^2)
a = long dimension of waveguide cross section
b = short dimension of waveguide cross section
m and n are the mode indices

When kc > k the guide is in cutoff and B = -j(kc^2 - k^2) = -jA. In the case of a rectangular waveguide operating in cutoff we are only interested in the lowest frequency mode, TE10, The others operate at much higher attenuations and we want worst case. In this case m=1 and n=0. So my best guess is your attenuation should be something like 20log(e^(-Az)) dB, for a single rectangular waveguide, of length z, operating below cutoff. This could be easily extended to circular waveguide as well, if you have round holes.

Well, that's my WAG at your question. As I said, this is covered in the literature. Any EM text or microwave engineering text will have the governing equations. One of my favorites is Microwave Engineering by David Pozar. Perhaps others can suggest more.

Simulation could be done quite effectively using a field solver. We use Ansoft's HFSS. There are others as well. I would not dismiss simulation completely, but like you, I appreciate an analytical understanding. It keeps you out of trouble! Well most of the time anyway...

I hope this helps.


-Rob Hinz
Consulting Engineer
SiQual, Signal Quality Engineering
18735 SW Boones Ferry Road
Tualatin, OR 97062-3090
(503) 885-1231

At 09:16 AM 6/5/2001 -0700, Neven Pischl wrote:
I would appreciate if anyone could let me know if there are any references (books, application notes, anythig ..) that deal with shielding efectivness in cases when a source is close to an (electrically small) opening in a shield (enclosure). In such a situation, the field will penetrate through the hole and leak even if the size is much smaller than the wavelength. I am particularly interested in situation when high-frequency source, such as a PCB edge or a component operating at (say) 1 GHz and above is in proximity of the venting holes, "small" gaps in the chassis etc.

All references that I have deal with uniform plane wave propagating incident to a metal plane with a slot or hole, in which case it is enought o have electrically small size of the opening (e.g. lambda/10) to efficiently block any field propagation through the barrier. I can't find any useful reference that deals in any analytical way with the situation I am intersted in.

I believe I might get some answers using some of the simulation programs, but at the moment I am more intersted in the analysis of the problem than in simulating it.

Thank you,

Neven Pischl

Rob Hinz
SiQual Corporation
phone (503)885-1231 x30
fax   (503)885-0550

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