Wagner, John P <johnwag...@avaya.com> inimitably wrote:
>    The European harmonics standard IEC 61000-3-2, and I call it European 
>    because that is exactly what it is,

Indeed, that's because (and it is a matter of record) that the US
experts appointed to IEC SC77A/WG1 were conspicuous by their absence
from most of the WG meetings.

But WHY rake up these old issues? It's quite different now. WG1 has
active members from USA, Canada and Mexico, and Japan, and a *majority*
of equipment manufacturer experts, not supply industry experts.

> is directed at protecting the public low 
>    voltage distribution system.  All of these problems we have heard cited 
> are 
>    those situations arising within facilities, NOT on the public distribution 
>    system.
>    It is the power generating and transmission folks who drove this standard 
>    and largely ignored input of others.  I make this comment based on 
>    considerable personal involvement since TC77A(Secr)36. 

Well, that would really be 'SC77A(Sec)36', a document about 20 years
old? I don't find your name on SC77A WG membership lists. No doubt you
are active at national level.
We now KNOW why your experience in USA is different from that in Europe.
There's no mystery about it: it's inherent in the differences in the
distribution systems. It's a pity we didn't have that data 20 years ago.

SC77A/WG1 is working on a complete revision of IEC61000-3-2, which will
take into account the effects of different distribution systems, now
that relevant data is available. It is likely that the standard will
have several different sets of requirements, according to where
equipment will be used. While that doesn't necessarily allow 'one
product for all the world', at least the requirements will be
technically justified.  Cars, after all, are not the same every where.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. Phone +44 (0)1268 747839
Fax +44 (0)1268 777124. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Foxhunters suffer from 
tallyhosis. PLEASE do not mail copies of newsgroup posts to me.

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