Hi Sérgio,

You might consider including  warnings in the installation and service
guides as well as labels indicating an energy hazard presence with
instructions to refer to the proper manuals at least (to better define the
hazard).  Caution statements regarding removal of jewelry (i.e. bracelets,
necklaces, etc.) and also on the use of protective eye-wear, insulated
gloves and insulated tools might be a further consideration.  If your
equipment is intended for service personnel only, the assumption might still
be made that they will be properly trained in the inherent hazards of
dealing with lead-acid batteries and but much of that message must come from
your end as the manufacturer.  

For design based safety requirements, check 60950 third ed. cl. 2.1.2 and
2.1.3.  Both indicate the requirement to protect against unintentional
bridging by conductive materials via the use of location or guarding.
Compliance is checked by measurement and inspection while considering
whether or not unintentional contact is likely if there's a need to get near
or past the energized parts (would seem to apply ).  The standard also
includes labeling requirements in dealing with energy hazards.

My opinion only and not that of my employer.

Kaz Gawrzyjal

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 12:04 PM
To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject: Battery terminals isolation

Can the group tell me if there is any requirement about isolations of lead
acid battery terminals?
We have a 48V equipment powered by lead acid batteries. The negative of the
batteries set is connected to the enclosure. When the batteries need to be
replaced, short circuit happens if the tool used to detach the connectors
touch the enclosure and the positive of the batteries.
Information to disconnect the negative terminal first before replace the
batteries is clear in the service manual, but I don't know if only this is


Sérgio Rocha Loures
Siemens Ltda. - Brazil
Tel:  +55 41 341-5755
Fax: +55 41 341-5058
E-mail: sergioro...@siemens.com.br

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