I read in !emc-pstc that Pettit, Ghery <ghery.pet...@intel.com> wrote
(in <D9223EB959A5D511A98F00508B68C20C0226B755@ORSMSX108>) about 'GTEM
for full compliance testing?', on Wed, 12 Dec 2001:
>After the comments on the CD
>are discussed, a CDV, or Committee Draft for Vote, is produced.  This goes
>out to the National Committees for a 6(?) month voting period.

Five months.

>  If the CDV
>passes, any comments received with the votes are reconciled and an FDIS, or
>Final Draft International Standard, is produced and sent out for vote
>(again, 6 months).  

Two months. The ISO/IEC Directives are downloadable free from

The examples of delays in revising or amending standards that were cited
by the OP are due to technical difficulties, not administrative delays.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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