On Fri, 6 Sep 2002 16:19:52 +0900,
  "Michael Jang" <mich...@certitek.com> wrote:

> I have a question for "Discharge of capacitors in the primary circuit'
> (Related to 60950 standard)
> ----Standard ------------------------------------------------
> Equipment is considered to comply if any capacitor having a marked or nominal
> capacitance exceeding 0.1 uF and connected to the PRIMARY CIRCUIT has a
> means of discharge resulting in a time constant not exceeding:
> - 1 s for Pluggable equipment type A; and
> - 10 s for Permanently connected equipment and for pluggable equipment type B.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Why does not consider up to 0.1 uF?

# maybe too late, but...

I think we can apply the limits for Limited Current Circuit to
capacitors connected to the primary circuit, too, and capacitors
up to 0.1uF are considered there.

A capacitor which:

  - capacitance <= 0.1uF for voltage <= 450V, or
  - stored charge <= 45uC for 450V < voltage <= 15kV, or
  - stored energy <= 350mJ for 15kV < voltage.

will become a Limited Current Circuit (2.4.1).

So, for voltage up to 450V d.c. (i.e. up to 318V a.c.), capacitor
up to 0.1uF will become a Limited Current Circuit, hence the voltage
is not Hazardous Voltage ( - no additional condition would
be required for the capacitor connected to the primary circuit.

However, capacitor larger than 0.1uF would not comply with the
requirements for Limited Current Circuit, and the voltage could be
thought as Hazardous Voltage.
I think that is why the discharge requirement which, under certain
condition, allow capacitor exceeding 0.1uF connected to the primary
circuit was specified.


Tomonori Sato  <vef00...@nifty.ne.jp>
URL: http://member.nifty.ne.jp/tsato/

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