1.      Are manufacturers required by the FDA to record serial numbers of
Laser modules.  Where is this requirement located? Does this apply to
photodiodes also?

2.      I have a concern of what I need to know about Laser safety but was
afraid to ask (because it would cost more than my compliance budget ($0)
would allow without manager approval). In other words (what is the second
question?... I am getting there.) I am looking to hire a consultant or take
a course. My supervisor wants me to create for him a proposal answering the
type of questions that support the need to either attend a course or have a
consultant educate me or our professionals here so that he can decide
whether or not we need to hire a consultant, etc, etc. To keep this short, I
will paraphrase by saying that the type of questions he would like to have
answered is it worth the expense to getting smart, as engineers and a
manufacturer of ITE, in the manufacturing of laser systems? 

Here is my question...
Is there information available that summarizes the responsibilities to Laser
Safety of Compliance, Design, Manufacturing, and Test Engineers that
manufacture laser systems? 

You may respond either on or off line. Thanks in Advance!

>                       Michael S. Davis        
>                       Compliance Engineer
>                       C-C0R.net 
>                       Tel: 203.630.5788
>                       Fax: 203.630.5762
>                       mike.da...@c-cor.net


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