I read in !emc-pstc that Gordon,Ian <ian.gor...@edwards.boc.com> wrote
(in <E1BA0362B28ED211A1E80008C71EA3060206FB33@z-
160-100-30-252.est.ibm.com>) about 'RADIATED IMMUNITY REQUIREMENTS FOR
EN61326' on Mon, 3 Mar 2003:

>Furthermore, I have never been able to work out why there is a relaxation at
>these freqs. The wording from table 1 of EN61000-6-2 is ....10V/m........
>"Except for the ITU broadcast frequency bands (given above) where the level
>shall be 3V/m".
>Can anyone provide the "logic" behind this clause? (I'm sure there is

The transmitter antennas are designed not to produce high field
strengths even close to the antennas, because receivers would be
severely overloaded and maybe damaged. I did some measurements on
portable radios and, scaling up from what you get at the base of the
first transistor with say 100 mV/m, you would get 1 to 2 V at 10 V/m,
which could even damage the transistor.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
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