I agree with Alice on the arrangement of Hi-Pot for new products, but I think the question was returned products for repair, correct. I read John W's note with interest, but I also remember a note from Rich Nute about a test he ran that pretty much pointed out that a simple continuity test served about the same purpose. Rich, I hope I'm not putting words in your mouth -- I apologize in advance if I have. If I remember Rich's much earlier note, he ran the tests with very few of the original PEC wire strands in place. Finally all of this brings up an interesting question about the aging of protective systems. Most of you know that I'm not in favor or writing or even changing standards just because one can do it, there must be some new problem that the old standard doesn't address before it should be changed. Having said all of that, how does the standard address aging of the insulation system, other than mentioning that the system should be in a well warmed condition before hi-pot? Gary
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