> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Bob Richards [ mailto:b...@toprudder.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:06 AM 
> To: emc-p...@ieee.org 
> Subject: Re: ??? RE: ??? RE: Near field H-field measurement. 
> Ken, 
> I believe you are correct. There should be factors for this 
> loop antenna from Emco that convert the raw reading (in dBuv) 
> to a magnetic field level (like dBuA/m). 
> The spectrum analyzer does NOT read in dBuv/m as he seems to 
> suggest, it only reads in dBuv or dBm, but some analyzers do 
> allow factors to be entered so the display will be in useful 
> units. I prefer not having the analyzer apply factors. Less 
> chance for errors that way, IMHO. 
> Bob Richards, NCT. 

EMCO (ETS) shows generic correction factors for the 6502 at: 


They have a pair of charts for correcting the antenna output (in dBuV) to
units of electric field (dBuV/m) or magnetic field (dBuA/m).

I don't like the practice of a factor for converting loop output voltage
directly to dBuV/m, because it is making the assumption of far-field
conditions (377 ohms, and an H-field to E-field conversion of +51.5 dB). The
6502 is a shielded loop, and responds to the H-field, no matter where you
place it. You can accurately derive the E-field from the H-field only when you
are confident of far-field conditions.

Ed Price 
ed.pr...@cubic.com                   WB6WSN 
NARTE Certified EMC Engineer & Technician 
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab 
Cubic Defense Applications 
San Diego, CA USA 
858-505-2780 (Voice) 
858-505-1583 (Fax) 
Military & Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty 

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