I may be reading this post wrong, but the -51.5 dB factor is not an antenna
factor at all.  It is the ratio of magnetic to electric field intensity in a
plane wave.  It is -20*log (377).  The use of that number is quite approximate
in the near field of the transmitter.

From: Y W Leung <leungderek2...@yahoo.com.hk>
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:41:41 +0800 (CST)
To: fdev...@assaabloyitg.com
Cc: emc-p...@ieee.org
Subject: ??? RE: ??? RE: Near field H-field measurement.

Dear Dave,

Thanks for your information.

Since the local regulatory body set both E-Field AND H-Field limit for
frequency range under 195kHz. But as I know, for all radiated emission
measurement under 30MHz should use loop antenna, so I use EMCO 6502 for E and
H- fields measurement.

The spectrum analyzer dispaly (dBuV/m) with transducer factors ( magnetic
antenna factor -51.5dB). For H-field, I used extrapolation factor "3" to
calculate the corresponding limit at 10m ( becasue the document states the
limits at 300m!) I used the reading on the spectrum analyzer plus (-51.5dB)
then I can get the H-field value then I compare it with the extrapolated limit
at 10m (measuring distance).

For the E-field, I use the reading on the spectrum analyzer and compare with
the  limit at 10m (use the same extrapolation factor "3" to determine from

Since theoretically, when the Tx & Rx antennas are both loop antenna, within
the near field region, H field attenuate at the rate of 1/(r^3) and E-field
attenuate at the rate of 1/ (r^2).

My questions:

I should use "2" or "3" for the calculation of E-field extrapolation?

The mesurement methods is valid or not?

I also thanks to all experts replied the message of this problem. 



fdev...@assaabloyitg.com ??


We have run the measurements at 300 m, 30 m, and 10 m and found the fall
off of 1/R^3 apply because the magnetic field is being measured using a
loop antenna. The far field E field rule does not apply for a magnetic


Frank de Vall
Sr. Engineering Manager - Compliance
Assa Abloy ITG and HID Corporation

Sent by: To 
ee.org cc 

06/22/2005 08:29 RE: ??

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