I need help from our esteemed CE mark experts!

EMC radio equipment standard EN 301 489-1 calls out EN 55022 Class B
limits in general, and Class A limits for "...equipment intended for use
in telecommunication centres only,..."  What is considered a
"telecommunication centre?"  Unfortunately I can not find any definition
for this term in the standard, or in any other standards I have

Is a point-of-sale terminal system with a rooftop antenna considered a
"telecommunication centre?"  My understanding is that EN 55022 Class B
limits apply to residential environments, and Class A applies to
commercial and industrial environments.  I would hope in our situation
that Class A will suffice.  If not I am up the proverbial creek without
a paddle...

Thanks in advance,


David Gelfand, P.E.
Product Integrity Engineer
Mitec Telecom Inc
9000 Trans-Canada Highway
Montreal QC H9R 5Z8
514 694 9000 x2262


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