> From: John Woodgate
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:29 AM
> Tarver, Peter writes:
> >This is not as simple as you put it.
> The same could be said of ANY piece of technical data that 
> needs to be in the manual. So I don't think it's valid.

I disagree.  What you're suggesting is recording a test result after document
publication for FCS and even later for product churn.  A single ECN in a
company of any but the smallest size and with a quality management system
requires participation by several individuals, apart from those that make the
editorial document change and can cost thousands of monetary units to
implement.  Then there's the expense for performing a test not called out as a
type test by most product standards, additional quality audit measures and
inspection points ...

> >I think you underestimate the cost and ease of maintaining such a 
> >database for anything other than a small shop, who are 
> unlikely to own the test equipment.
> It's very easy to do this with Excel or any spreadsheet.

And just as easy to accidentally delete it or have a disk crash ... so there's
still a need for "emergency recover" measures and keeping a hard copy.  And
would authorities reviewing any such log accept an electronically kept
database without a proper log that includes a signature or initial and
traceable calibration data on the test instrument?  Or repeating the testing
themselves?  And if 'they' test themselves, why would the shop bother to take
that kind of time and effort when their tax £ are working for them?

> >The test equipment I have in-house for type testing is at least 30 
> >years old and not likely to be replaced.  It's data storage 
> function is at the end of my arm.
> I won't tell your customers. (;-)

Oh, good.  The calibration sticker came off in the shower.


Peter L. Tarver, PE

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