> From: John Woodgate
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:19 AM
> Tarver, Peter" writes:
> >Does this idea intend that each product off the production line be 
> >marked or otherwise documented with it's IR value?
> No. In the manual you state a lower limit value based on the 
> '1/3 of original'. The original value should not vary much 
> between samples, of course; If it does, there's cause for 
> concern right away.

This is not as simple as you put it.  This ignores the processes of
engineering changes and reviews and that manuals have to be at the printer for
bulk printing (or bulk copying onto CD ROM) well before the first product
comes off the assembly line.  

Also, with the pace of product churn, a desire to keep cost competitive and
avoid single-source supplier issues, multiple vendor parts selection is very
common, but does not always occur at the time of first customer shipment. 
Updating a manual for every alternate power supply that's added or substituted
is also more costly than justifiable by this suggestion.

> >I think it's best to set a lower acceptable limit of IR.  
> Keeping track 
> >of the documentation for every product in-house is, at best, 
> >impractical, for any but the smallest enterprise.
> Not really; the test boxes have in-built data storage and 
> transmission. 
> It's quite easy, and not costly, to keep the records for the 
> working life of each product.

There may be some test equipment with the functions you mention and perhaps
those persons trotting about on official government errands to perform this
in-situ testing have the budget for them.  In such cases, the government can
address record keeping, if that's what's desired.  They can then compare
previous test data on the same product at their leisure.  Your tax £ at work.

I think you underestimate the cost and ease of maintaining such a database for
anything other than a small shop, who are unlikely to own the test equipment.

The test equipment I have in-house for type testing is at least 30 years old
and not likely to be replaced.  It's data storage function is at the end of my


Peter L. Tarver, PE

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