
My view is a product for an IT power system should have its mains insulation
selected based on the phase to phase voltage of the supply.

While most designs are based on normal, not fault conditions for the product,
the IT power system is faced with fault conditions caused by any or all
products plugged into the power system. It is faced with enduring these
conditions until repairs are made, a timetable which may be weeks or longer
depending on the attentiveness of the maintenance staff. For neighborhood
rather than in-house systems, maintenance may not be up to the owner. An IT
power system fault is not necessarily an unusual condition.

Note the increase of 1.7x in working voltage applies only to the mains to
earth insulation, not across mains ( phase to neutral).

This increase would have no effect on transient voltage ratings (and therefore
clearances) in IEC 60950 since in Table 2J the 150 volt row includes phase
voltages up to 240 volts and the 300 volt row includes phase voltages up to
480 volts. That is, the transient voltages expected do not depend on whether
you are looking at single or three phase products connected to that power

The working voltage increase would tend to approximately double creepage
distances, but again these are mains to earth distances, not mains to mains.
This can impact designs though.

However, standards have not specifically addressed design requirements for
products intended for IT power systems, and some countries like Norway have
expressed no need for increased spacings in products for their IT systems.

>From a safety standpoint I find mains to earth insulation breakdown rare. It
is usually a total bypass such as cut insulation, direct shorts, etc. rather
than spacing violations or dielectric failures which cause such faults. I
would not expect to see a difference in product failures based on their use in
IT power systems.

You mentioned open neutral conditions. This is likely to be a much more
significant risk of hazardous failure. While many products will work or safely
fail at undervoltage conditions, few have been designed for 1.5x or more
overvoltage operation.

Bob Johnson
ITE Safety <> wrote: 

Hi Bob:
Very nice discussion of the salient features
of the IT power distribution system.
Somewhat related to the original question, 
should the product mains insulation requirements
be based on normal operation of the IT power
distribution system or based on the worst-case
fault of the IT power distribution system?
As a general rule, basic insulation requirements 
are based on normal operating conditions, not on
single-fault conditions.  For example, we do 
not require the product to include safeguards 
against open-neutral conditions on a three-phase 
Except for creepage distances, the product basic 
insulation is a function of the mains transient 
overvoltage.  In an IT power distribution system, 
I don't believe that earthing of any pole changes 
the magnitude of any transient voltage.  However, I
have not studied this point.  
If the transient voltages do not change magnitude,
then the product basic insulations, in the event 
of a fault, are not subjected to any higher 
transient overvoltage than under normal conditions.
If this is the case, then the normal-condition
basic insulation is functional as a safeguard even
under single-fault conditions of the IT power
distribution system.
Even if I am wrong about this, the topic I want to
discuss is whether basic insulation requirements
should be based on fault-condition voltages in an
IT power distribution system.
As a general rule, basic insulation is expected to
fail, and either supplementary insulation or 
earthing provides the safeguard.  By definition,
supplementary insulation and earthing provide a
safeguard function in the event of failure of basic
Richard Nute
Product Safety Consultant
San Diego

From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Johnson
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Class II PSU for IT power systems

It helps to think about the differences and reasons for an IT system.
A normal power distribution system is earthed at its point of origination (e.g
transformer or generator) to limit the voltage difference between earth and
points in the system.
For example you may have a single phase 120/240v with an earthed center tap,
or maybe a 230/400V Y system with a earthed neutral, fed from a several KV
primary system. One reason for the earthing is to prevent primary to secondary
breakdowns from allowing the primary voltage to appear (for long) on the
secondary distribution side where nothing is designed for such high voltages.
Having the secondary distribution side earthed has lots of other benefits but
also means that if you have an earth fault, you are likely to have a shutdown.
That's where IP comes in. Since the system essentially floats, a single fault
does not shut down the circuit. You can allow such faults and schedule repairs
as desired. Other protection schemes are generally provided which guard
against high voltage primary faults and alarms notifying you of single earth
Since earth faults might occur and be sustained for some time at any point in
the system, you might have voltages above earth anywhere in the system that
are as high as the phase to phase voltage of the distribution system.
Therefore in an example European IT system, where you might expect a
receptacle to have one pole (neutral) at zero and another at 230 volts above
earth, you may find either pole at up to 400 volts above earth, even though
the poles are still only 230 volts apart and the product is operating
normally. That has different implications for the design of insulation systems
between mains and earth. 
For an IT rated product, the mains insulation should generally be designed for
the phase to phase voltage of the power system rather than the phase to
neutral voltage, whether a Class 1 ( earthed) or Class II (double insulated)

Typical 120/240V TN system

  X  x————————————————————+      Phase
@ 120 V to earth
  X  x                 product
  X  x                 @120V
  X  x———+————————————————+      Neutral
@ 0 V to earth
  X  x   +——earth 
  X  x
  X  x————————————————————+      Earth
fault trips overcurrent
——X                              and disconnects system 

Typical 120/240V IT system

  X  x————————————————————+      Phase
@ 120 V to earth
  X  x                 product
  X  x                 @120V
  X  x———+————————————————+      Neutral
@ 0 V to earth
  X  x   Z                       Impedance to earth @ 0 V
  X  x   +——earth 
  X  x
  X  x—————————————————          Phase @ 120
V to earth

Typical 120/240V IT system with fault

  X  x————————————————————+      Phase
@ 240 V to earth
  X  x                 product
  X  x                 @120V
  X  x———+————————————————+      Neutral
@ 120 V to earth
  X  x   Z                       Impedance to earth @ 120V 
  X  x   +——earth                 and in alarm state
  X  x
  X  x——————————Earth fault      Phase @ 0 V to earth

Bob Johnson
ITE Safety <> 

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