On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 21:03:11 +0000,
  "Kunde, Brian" <brian_ku...@lecotc.com> wrote:

> I have received several very useful replies so far, but I have a
> question. Since the limits for low frequency magnetic fields set out
> by the ICNIRP is not flat across a frequency range, wouldn't the
> measuring devices have to be able to provide not only the level but
> also the frequency? For instance, if a device is generating high
> magnetic fields at the 3rd harmonic of 50hz, do these meters have the
> ability to distinguish frequency or do they just give the highest
> reading such as a power meter? Several of the meters recommended so
> far really don't make this clear on their datasheet.

The ICNIRP guideline, and standards such as IEC 62233, specify
how the magnetic field levels at each frequencies should be weighted
and summed.

In general, magnetic field exposure meters such as Narda ELT-400
(and Hioki 3470, Combinova MFM3000, and more?) have the weighting
curve in it, and can display the result for the entier frequency range
as a percentage to the selected reference level.

If we only need to evaluate the exposure level against the reference
level supported by the exposure meter, we don't have to know the

If we also want to know the spectrum of the field, some exposure meter
may have raw signal output or build-in spectrum display features.

This kind of exposure meters are easy to use, but possible problem
is that they can support only few known exposure standards in general
and can become quite useless for reference levels not supported by
the meter.


Tomonori Sato  <vef00...@nifty.ne.jp>
URL: http://homepage3.nifty.com/tsato/

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