Hi John: 

Unfortunately, the printed report doesn't seem to be available at that
address.  I was hoping to read a computerized translation of the report, as
poor as that might be. 
If anyone can find the report (or a link to it), I'm interested in it.  It
certainly seems to have stirred up interest! 

Pat Lawler
EMC Engineer
SL Power Electronics Corp.

John Woodgate <j...@jmwa.demon.co.uk> wrote on 06/26/2008 03:07:11 AM:
> In message <FCA549BE3ECF9D4CB8CB8576837EA489026EF4@ZEUS.cetest.local>,
> dated Thu, 26 Jun 2008, Gert Gremmen <administra...@ce-test.info>
> writes:
> >The report was produced by TNO, a Dutch private organization
> >
> >(http://www.tno.nl/content.cfm?&context=markten&content=markt_persberich
> >t&laag1=189&item_id=200806250026&Taal=2) 
> Only available in Dutch.
> >
> > 
> >and some results are available here:
> >http://www.amc.nl/?pid=5266

> No indication of field strengths!
> >
> >Manufacturers name and equipment type included.
> >
> >Please note that the energy levels of RFID are in the milliwatt range,
> >
> >so all problems are to be categorized as immunity deficits.

> But maybe the immunity requirements of the EMC standard aren't violated.
> >
> >It is astonishing that the security of healthy persons (like car
> >drivers)
> >
> >is taken much more seriously (by car manufacturers for example )
> >
> >as the security  of people with bad health like in hospitals.
> >
> >Most medical equipment is tested  at 10 V/meter or less.
> >
> >where critical car parts must  be tested up to 200V/m.

> When cars failed due to high field strengths from broadcast
> transmitters, there was a very public outcry. I didn't hear of any
> outcry about medical equipment problems, presumably because the public
> almost never get to hear of them.

> There was a case in UK a few years ago about faulty oxygen equipment
> (not an electronics problem) causing several deaths, but such cases are
> very rarely reported.
> --

> OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try www.jmwa.demon.co.uk and www.isce.org.uk
> Either we are causing global warming, in which case we may be able to stop
> or natural variation is causing it, and we probably can't stop it. You
> John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK 
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