I agree with John but I want to further challenge several of Derek's 

Derek Walton wrote:

> Part of the reproduction process is un-encoding the cell structure 
> from the DNA, and that is influenced by fields which if great enough 
> cause non intended cell structure. Usually the fields are magnetic 
> because they penetrate deeper into skin tissue.
What kind of field? What is your source?

On your theory of developing cells why are the researchers concentrating 
on the relatively stable gray matter as this reference suggests? Skin 
cells are reproducing all the time, have shown sensitivity to uv, and 
are closer to the source.

Fred Townsend
DC to Light

John Woodgate wrote:

> In message <488a3037.4010...@aol.com>, dated Fri, 25 Jul 2008, Derek 
> Walton <lfresea...@aol.com> writes:
>> Part of the reproduction process is un-encoding the cell structure 
>> from the DNA, and that is influenced by fields which if great enough 
>> cause non intended cell structure.
> Allegedly. You have assumed what some people are trying to prove.
>> Usually the fields are magnetic because they penetrate deeper into 
>> skin tissue.
> I'm not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean 'Researchers have 
> mostly used magnetic fields in experiments because they penetrate 
> tissue more than electric fields do'?
> Life on this planet has evolved in the presence of a fairly strong 
> magnetic field (about 40 A/m +/-15 A/m). Unless something is 
> completely still, there are induced electric currents as well as the 
> magnetic field.
>> Exposing non developing cells to fields would obviously never exhibit 
>> problems. A huge level of research to date has done just that...
> You mean, a huge amount of research on dead things? In live animals 
> and plants, cells are dividing all the time.
>> Other research is specifically looking at the influence on developing 
>> cells, I'm not sure yet how much of that is public domain.
> There have been reports of observed effects, but none seem to have 
> convinced the peer groups. Yet?


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