>It appears BS 5733 is for conversion plug, not travel plug adaptor.

>>No, it isn't. The Scope clause is quite general; the standard covers 
>>electrical accessories not covered by other standards.

Noted.  Thanks!

> In addition, the regulations require the non-UK plug can only be 
>removed by the use of a tool that contradicts to the travel adaptor of 
>easy change to accommodate the sockets of foreign countries.  What is 
>the background to have this requirement that restricts the design of 
>the products for travelling use?

>> There is no such restriction.

It requires in Part II.  Is this type of product not considered as
"originally intended for domestic use" and thus not fallen into SI 1768?

>I have seen lots of travel plug adaptors on the market without any 
>ASTA/Nemko/BSI approval (standard plug and conversion plug do require 
>it). It appears they are illegal to sell in the UK

>>Certainly not; a long time ago there was a question of whether they 
>>should be legal, but there are no grounds for banning or restricting the 
>>sale provided BS 5733 requirements are met.

Few travel plug adaptor is type approved to BS 5733 on the market.

>or excluded from SI 1768 in 1944.

>>They are excluded, and '1944' is obviously a typing error.

You are right - it should read 1994, pls accept my apology.

> Is there any new regulation to cover this hole in near future?

>>I don't see any 'hole'. You should look at 5.13 of the document at:


>>which is on the site I originally directed you to.

Very informative and I must overlook it.

OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try www.jmwa.demon.co.uk and www.isce.org.uk
Either we are causing global warming, in which case we may be able to stop
or natural variation is causing it, and we probably can't stop it. You
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK


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