In message <>, dated Wed, 24 Feb 2010, 
Richard Nute <> writes:

>> There do seem to be some very odd features about this incident. Why
>> wasn't the CHP officer making the 911 call, instead of the hysterical
>> person who did?
>The CHP off-duty officer was driving with his family
>in the auto-dealer courtesy car.
>I guess he was pretty busy trying to control the car
>(at 160 km/h), so his wife made the call.  (I think
>there's a web site where you can listen to the call.)

I don't know; no-one presumably knows. but I expect a CHP officer to be 
used to 160 kph, and also to know how to stop a runaway - as I posted 
earlier about the signs at Porlock Hill in bygone days.
>> However, that is beside the point. Now that the focus has turned to EMI
>> being involved, and the practical impossibility of testing for all
>> conceivable EMI threats, I think we are looking towards a *mechanical*
>> emergency throttle closer and/or fuel cut-off.
>Have you ever had a computer lock up?  Was it due to
>EMI?  Re-cycle power and everything runs normal.  And
>no trace to the cause of the lock-up.

Precisely: and since causes of such effects are legions - so that 
testing for all of them is simply impracticable, we had better settle 
for 'gas by software' being inherently not reliable enough, just like 
triacs are not regarded as reliable enough as main power switches, we 
had better have an emergency manual override.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK
I should be disillusioned, but it's not worth the effort.


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