I agree with you and I am in favor of providing the DoC to the customer 
(preferably before purchase); however, it is an unnecessary burden on the 
manufacturer to have to put the DoC in the "Instruction Manual" as the MD 
states.  Let me provide the DoC to my customer in a way that is best for me and 
my customer. Instruction Manuals are printed and packed months in advance and 
built in quantity. If the DoC information changes, I'm shipping old DoCs with 
my product or I have to rework my Manual Packs with the new DoC which is 
costly. So I would prefer not having to include this information in the Manual.

So how we do it is simply publish the "content of the DoC" in our manuals (as 
the MD allows), making the information as generic as possible and leaving out 
any dates or numbers or signatures that are likely to change, and provide our 
customers with the official DoC through our Sales/Marketing channels if 
requested. I think this is the approach a lot of companies are taking.

As we hear about proposed future requirement of other Directives wanting to 
make the DoC more unique for each product built and sold, it would make 
providing the DoC in a bound manual completely impossible and impractical.

Thanks for the information and references.

The Other Brian

From: Nick Williams [mailto:nick.willi...@conformance.co.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:47 AM
To: Kunde, Brian
Subject: Re: [PSES] Declaration of Conformity

The reason for this is that the workplace safety requirements introduced under 
Article 137 of the TFEU require an employer to ensure that equipment which they 
supply for the use of their employees complies with the applicable essential 
requirements. The Declaration is a useful piece of paper to assist an employer 
in this task.


On 3 Dec 2013, at 00:11, Kunde, Brian 
<brian_ku...@lecotc.com<mailto:brian_ku...@lecotc.com>> wrote:

The MD requires the DoC (not DoI) or a document calling out the content of the 
DoC to be provided in the Instruction Manual. The purpose of this requirement 
is not clear to me but it says it so you have to do it.

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information intended for the named recipient(s) only. If you received this by 
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