I'm certainly not a safety expert but I think that Lauren is on the right
track here.

The Harmonised Standards are really a tool to show compliance with the
standards.   But still, regardless of compliance with the standards.... if
your product is found to be non-compliant with the Directive, then it is a
non-compliant product.
The Directive says the product must be safe.   The harmonised standards are
the tools to help demonstrate that.
The basic situation here being that regardless of your safety test results,
if the device is unsafe, it's off the market.

However, if it was really that extreme, it would imply that the older
harmonised standard was found to be insufficient for demonstrating
compliance and therefore I would have thought it should have had an
immediate withdrawal from the Official Journal.

...unless the thing it failed was some new safety requirement or scenario
that had not been considered at all before.
Sometimes, completely new situations are realised and must be considered
anew, without actually being in a harmonised standard yet.
And as we know, just because it's not in a harmonised standard yet, doesn't
mean we shouldn't consider it as valid.

There are plenty of things which must be assessed by manufacturers
independently before they make it into harmonised standards.

So, maybe it was unsafe?


Michael Derby
Regulatory Engineer
ACB Europe

-----Original Message-----
From: Crane, Lauren [mailto:lauren.cr...@kla-tencor.com] 
Sent: 31 July 2014 19:09
Subject: Re: [PSES] Definition of unsafe product

Having tracked development of the proposed Market Surveillance Regulation,
and stared for hours at NLF model language now incorporated in LVD... it is
frustrating how ambiguous the actionable criteria are for this sort of
thing. Authorities may act on "Risk", but there is no risk assessment
standard referenced and no threshold of risk required. So regardless of
anything to do with standards, an authority's assessment that there is risk
could allow empounding, third party testing etc... all on your nickel. The
finding of risk is not 100% precluded by the use of harmonized standards
(though it may be lessened).  

I also find it interesting that only the EMCD has language requiring keeping
pace with the state of the art.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Xe [mailto:scott...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 12:22 PM
Subject: [PSES] Definition of unsafe product

Recently we received a sales ban from an authority.  The authority took a
sample from the market and appointed a 3rd party laboratory for verification
of LVD conformity.  They found a non conformance on construction according
to the latest version of safety standard and concluded the product is
unsafe.  The requirement is new in the latest version and did not appear in
the previous version.

When our product was verified by the 3rd party test house, it complied with
previous version of safety standard but was the latest version of the safety
standard at time of testing.  The new version was issued 2 months later and
has an additional construction requirement.  The DoW of previous version of
safety standard is in 2016.  We are at loss how come they consider our
product unsafe with the latest version of the standard during this
transitional period.  Any previous experience to deal with such authority
can be shared?  It sounds ridiculous charge on our product.

Thanks and regards,


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