PS: that the quoted  “know thine enemy”  phrase was a paraphrase of the 
(reputed, but very historical ) statement from the Chinese General from his 
book/manuscript that  “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not 
fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, 
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the 
enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


Different context, but essentially the same as my post about how to deal with 
the situation outlined in the OP’s original post,


John E Allen

W.London, UK


From: john Allen [] 
Sent: 14 November 2016 22:00
Subject: Re: [PSES] Paper Manuals?


TBH, this subject will run and run – until, “some day”, “someone in authority” 
“some where” will make a “definitive” statement about what is, and is not, 
“acceptable” for each and every type of equipment, but I don’t see that 
happening anytime soon! 


Therefore, unless and until that happens, then every case has to be judged on 
its own “merits” – and that will very much depend on what the equipment is, 
where it is used, and by whom it will be operated – and the people who have 
jurisdiction over those people who will use the equipment, and that has to be a 
local “risk assessment” issue. 


And so, “you”   - the equipment supplier - have to try to understand all those 
circumstances before “you” can decide what you do as the equipment supplier 
because, generally, “you” also supply the instructions, and in what form. In 
other much quoted and often misused words “know thine enemy” L/J


PS: the above is based on “quite a long time” dealing with the supply of 
“safety instructions” for  commercial and defense oriented electrical, oil & 
gas (and other!) equipment for a whole variety of kit for various markets 
around “the World”. You want some assistance? – be happy to try to help if you 


John E Allen  (“Compliance with Experience Ltd”)

W.London, UK



From: Richard Nute [] 
Sent: 14 November 2016 21:18
Subject: Re: [PSES] Paper Manuals?




Hi Jamison:


Supposedly, only the safety instructions that are specified in the standard can 
be arbitrarily subject to “printed” versus “electronic” where the standard does 
not so specify.


Many products today are “stand-alone” safe, where the safety is not dependent 
on installation or operation.  (The computer you are using to read this e-mail 
is likely “stand-alone” safe.)  In this case, no safety instructions are 
necessary.  (The products I was associated with were of this construction; we 
had no requirements imposed upon us for manuals.)


For permanently-wired equipment, a safety instruction label on the equipment 
should suffice.   


Where safe operation of the equipment is operator-dependent, a safety 
instruction label should suffice and will be better than an instruction manual, 
whether printed or electronic.


Good luck,





From: Kortas, Jamison [] 
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 9:05 AM
Subject: [PSES] Paper Manuals?


Good Morning,


Has anyone had any success in getting standards writers and/or evaluation 
organizations to accept an electronic version of a manual as an equivalent 
alternative to a paper version even when the standard refers to a paper manual? 
 I am getting mixed signals from various individuals within organizations and 
wanted to pool ask the group for any insight.


I would think, particularly for equipment that is installed by trained 
professionals and not lay people, there might be an appetite for this sort of 






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