On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 12:15:43 +0000,
  "Price, Andrew (Leonardo, UK)" <andrew.p.pr...@leonardocompany.com> wrote:

> The customer has requested an extended magnetic field emission test over the 
> range 100kHz to 2MHz with a limit defined in dBpT.
> The antenna to be used is an EMCO 6512 which has it correction factors 
> provided in dBS/m which the emission software used does not recognise.
> So is there a conversion factor that enables the right correction factor to 
> be entered or is the conversion factor only used once a result is obtained??

By adding magnetic antenna factor in dBS/m to measured voltage in dBuV,
we can get magnetic field strength in dBuA/m.
(S/m x uV = (uA/uV)/m x uV = uA/m)

Because 1 uA/m = 1.257 pT hence 0 dBuA/m = 1.99 dBpT in air, we can
get field strength in dBpT by adding 1.99 dB(pT/(uA/m)) to the field
strength in dBuA/m.


Tomonori Sato  <vef00...@nifty.com>
URL: http://t-sato.in.coocan.jp

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