Been there, done  that, heading for the wall.

I have seen many products that seem to be commission/distributed by a US or 
European company but actually manufactured by a third party in China or such 
which does all the compliance certification.  They don’t want to put the actual 
manufacturer contact info on the product but often these distributors are also 
not able to provide much for product specifications and compliance information 


From: Brian Kunde []
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Postal address on product labelling...

The companies I have worked for over the last 40 years have relied heavily on 
international sales, so having your company's name and address on the product 
is just part of doing business.  I'm not sure what the argument is with having 
your address on the product.  My questions to those who complain would be, "Why 

As far as the requirements of EU Directives go, keep in mind that what they are 
asking for is the name and address of the responsible party for the compliance 
of the instrument. The Directive refers to this legal person or entity as the 
"Manufacturer", but that does not mean it is the company who actually builds 
the product, thou in most cases they are one and the same.

Personally, I'm surprised that the writers of the EU Directives, the 
Commission, Legal Authorities in all Countries, etc.  don't require some type 
of information on ALL PRODUCT, be it an address, phone number, fax number, 
email address, website, etc. that provides IMMEDIATE RESPONSE from the 
responsible party or at least within 48 hours.  AND the system, whatever it is, 
must always be active, and only used by authorities and/or anyone regarding a 
Compliance Issue or Question.  Kind of like a reverse 911 (emergency number in 
the States).

For those of you who deal in Product Safety and RoHS where you need to contact 
component manufacturers for supporting documentation knows what I'm talking 
about.  I hate it when you go to a company's website, fill out a three-page 
on-form requesting compliance information, and then never EVER getting a reply. 
 OR, you call the "corporate office" for the address that is labeled on the 
Nameplate of the product and IF you can get through to a Real Live Person, you 
asked for the Compliance Department and the person has no idea who to transfer 
you to.  After being transferred to 5 potential people you finally get ahold of 
something who says their products are built in another country somewhere and 
they "THINK" compliance is handled by them.   Does this sound at all familiar 
to anyone?

Once again, I'm glad I'm over the hill and gaining speed for a head-first 
collision into the wall call retirement.  Let you young pups figure out how to 
resolve all the problems of the world.

The Other Brian

On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 9:41 AM Charlie Blackham 
<<>> wrote:

“But Sir, they’re not doing it” isn’t a defence in court or when you’re 
equipment is stuck in customs, or a competitor has pointed market enforcement 
authorities in your direction

The key phrase is “…or, where that is not possible, on its packaging or in a 
document accompanying the apparatus…..”

To my knowledge there’s no guidance anywhere as to “what is possible”, so it’s 
probably up to you and your lawyers 😊


Charlie Blackham
Sulis Consultants Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)7946 624317
Registered in England and Wales, number 05466247

From: Matthew Wilson 
Sent: 20 March 2019 13:06
Subject: [PSES] Postal address on product labelling...

Does anyone else have endless arguments about the need to put a postal address 
on products as per the EMC and LVD requirements?  The EMC directive obliges the 
following (article 7.6 of 2014/30/EU).  The LVD also had the exact same 
obligation (article 6.6 of 2014/35/EU);

?Manufacturers shall indicate, on the apparatus, their name, registered trade 
name or registered trade mark and the postal address at which they can be 
contacted or, where that is not possible, on its packaging or in a document 
accompanying the apparatus. The address shall indicate a single point at which 
the manufacturer can be contacted. The contact details shall be in a language 
easily understood by end-users and market surveillance authorities.?

Manufacturer is, of course, meaning the entity responsible for the product 
denoted by the brand name present on the apparatus.

And every time I encounter this advice being questioned someone always says 
'But [some large entities/corporations supplying consumer products - you can 
pick your own example] don't put their address on their products.'  Well they 
should!  Maybe those devices with screens allow you to look up the address 
somewhere in the operating system?


Sorry just letting off steam :-)


Matthew Wilson
Technical Director



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