You may if under RED and the manufacturer is not in the EU.  The Blue Guide
is helpful in this regard.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 10:29 AM Scott Xe <> wrote:

> Only require mfr/importer name and address apart from trade mark.  Do we
> need EU AR too?
> Rgds,
> Scott
> *From:* Dan Roman <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 21 March 2019 10:28 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [PSES] Postal address on product labelling...
> Feel the pain like everyone else.  Gets to be even more fun when you are
> under RED and the manufacturer, importer, and authorized rep are all needed
> on the label because the tax laws in Europe do not line up with the
> Directives and Legal picks different company entities for each.  Now throw
> in Brexit and I’ll probably have a fourth address!  Legitimately running
> out of room!!!
> Dan
> *From:* Brian Kunde [ <>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 20, 2019 10:19 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [PSES] Postal address on product labelling...
> The companies I have worked for over the last 40 years have relied heavily
> on international sales, so having your company's name and address on the
> product is just part of doing business.  I'm not sure what the argument is
> with having your address on the product.  My questions to those who
> complain would be, "Why Not?".
> As far as the requirements of EU Directives go, keep in mind that what
> they are asking for is the name and address of the responsible party for
> the compliance of the instrument. The Directive refers to this legal person
> or entity as the "Manufacturer", but that does not mean it is the company
> who actually builds the product, thou in most cases they are one and the
> same.
> Personally, I'm surprised that the writers of the EU Directives, the
> Commission, Legal Authorities in all Countries, etc.  don't require some
> type of information on ALL PRODUCT, be it an address, phone number, fax
> number, email address, website, etc. that provides IMMEDIATE RESPONSE from
> the responsible party or at least within 48 hours.  AND the system,
> whatever it is, must always be active, and only used by authorities and/or
> anyone regarding a Compliance Issue or Question.  Kind of like a reverse
> 911 (emergency number in the States).
> For those of you who deal in Product Safety and RoHS where you need to
> contact component manufacturers for supporting documentation knows what I'm
> talking about.  I hate it when you go to a company's website, fill out a
> three-page on-form requesting compliance information, and then never EVER
> getting a reply.  OR, you call the "corporate office" for the address that
> is labeled on the Nameplate of the product and IF you can get through to a
> Real Live Person, you asked for the Compliance Department and the person
> has no idea who to transfer you to.  After being transferred to 5 potential
> people you finally get ahold of something who says their products are built
> in another country somewhere and they "THINK" compliance is handled by
> them.   Does this sound at all familiar to anyone?
> Once again, I'm glad I'm over the hill and gaining speed for a head-first
> collision into the wall call retirement.  Let you young pups figure out how
> to resolve all the problems of the world.
> The Other Brian
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 9:41 AM Charlie Blackham <
>> wrote:
> Matthew
> “But Sir, they’re not doing it” isn’t a defence in court or when you’re
> equipment is stuck in customs, or a competitor has pointed market
> enforcement authorities in your direction
> The key phrase is “…or, *where that is not possible,* on its packaging or
> in a document accompanying the apparatus…..”
> To my knowledge there’s no guidance anywhere as to “what is possible”, so
> it’s probably up to you and your lawyers 😊
> Regards
> Charlie
> *Charlie Blackham*
> *Sulis Consultants Ltd*
> *Tel: +44 (0)7946 624317 <+44%207946%20624317>*
> *Web: ***
> <>
> Registered in England and Wales, number 05466247
> *From:* Matthew Wilson <>
> *Sent:* 20 March 2019 13:06
> *Subject:* [PSES] Postal address on product labelling...
> Does anyone else have endless arguments about the need to put a postal
> address on products as per the EMC and LVD requirements?  The EMC directive
> obliges the following (article 7.6 of 2014/30/EU).  The LVD also had the
> exact same obligation (article 6.6 of 2014/35/EU);
> ?Manufacturers shall indicate, on the apparatus, their name, registered
> trade name or registered trade mark and the postal address at which they
> can be contacted or, where that is not possible, on its packaging or in a
> document accompanying the apparatus. The address shall indicate a single
> point at which the manufacturer can be contacted. The contact details shall
> be in a language easily understood by end-users and market surveillance
> authorities.?
> Manufacturer is, of course, meaning the entity responsible for the product
> denoted by the brand name present on the apparatus.
> And every time I encounter this advice being questioned someone always
> says 'But [some large entities/corporations supplying consumer products -
> you can pick your own example] don't put their address on their products.'
>  Well they should!  Maybe those devices with screens allow you to look up
> the address somewhere in the operating system?
> Humph!
> Sorry just letting off steam :-)
> ------------------------------
> *Matthew* *Wilson*
> Technical Director
> [image: Image removed by sender. GBE] <>
> T:
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> F:
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> Ascot House // Mulberry Close // Woods Way
> Goring-by-Sea // West Sussex // BN12 4QY // UK
> *Electronics Design // Manufacturing // Component Distribution*
> [image: Image removed by sender. ISO 9001 | ISO 14001]
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Dan Roman, N.C.E.
IEEE Senior Member

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