Hi Kirk

I snipped your post and mixed in a couple of comments. 

On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 14:24 -0600, d06 wrote:
> My router/mill would not be able to do much as far as commercial quality
> production: http://www.marion.us/dave/emcmill/index.html
> This is just a hobby for me right now, 

Nice job.  I love it when a plan comes together.  

> I'm curious, do we have a way to know how many people are using EMC and
> for what purpose?

Nope.  Not that I know of.  I've been around since the early days when I
thought we could count the machines on two hands.  Had to be two because
Dan was running five machines at the same time.  Permit me three brief
stories.  I had planned a trip to Europe so asked on the list hosted by
NIST if I could visit a few "users."  I got offers from England to
Russia and from Finland to Italy.  We visited three and were impressed
with the creativity.  There may still be a copy of the email report
around the archives someplace.
On another post I was attempting to expound on the subject of EMC use
and used the Czech Republic at a possible place where folk might be
using it.  My problem was that I misspelled the name.  A fellow from
there posted correcting my spelling and said he was using EMC on several
old broken down Soviet mills.

A third story arrived in an email years ago from a fellow in Italy who
wrote no English and knew nobody to help him.  There was only one
sentence roughly "scusilo che non parlo inglese."  He sent a bunch of
pictures of his router making wild looking rock guitars.  He was doing
all the work with EMC and showed several pictures of tkemc and the
backplotter along with the parts.

So the easy answer is we could work up some sort of survey but most of
our users, once they get the kinks/configurations worked out for their
machines are never heard from again.


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